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Mixed Race population analysis on UK Census 2011 data with Dr Remi Adekoya

The mixed/multiple race population is the fastest growing minority group in the UK according to the 2011 UK Census an indicator of increased mixing...

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Cultural Interzones: ‘Numamushi’ by Mina Ikemoto Ghosh – Novella Review

Numamushi is a novella by Mina Ikemoto Ghosh that fluidly bridges different worlds together. A true Japanese and British cultural blend. 

Homophily: The magnetism of similarity and why our friends are like us

Homophily, a sociological concept that explains the tendency to gravitate towards similar individuals. But what does it mean for mixed race?

Mixed Race population analysis on UK Census 2011 data with Dr Remi Adekoya

The mixed/multiple race population is the fastest growing minority group...